Estate Planning Check-Up: Why Summer Is the Perfect Time to Review

Estate Planning

As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, summer is the perfect time to relax, unwind, and enjoy some well-deserved time off. But as you kick back and soak up the sun, don't forget to take a moment to review your estate planning. While it may not be the most exciting topic, ensuring that your affairs are in order can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

1. Reflect on Life Changes:

Summer is a great time to reflect on any major life changes that may have occurred since you last updated your estate plan. Have you gotten married or divorced? Welcomed a new child or grandchild into your family? Bought or sold property? These milestones can have significant implications for your estate plan, so reviewing and updating your documents is important. By taking stock of these changes, you can ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected in your estate plan.

2. Take Stock of Your Assets:

Another important aspect of estate planning is taking stock of your assets. Have you acquired new assets or investments since you last updated your plan? Are there any assets that have significantly increased or decreased in value? It's crucial to ensure that all of your assets are accounted for in your estate plan so they can be distributed according to your wishes. Summer is a great time to review this information and make necessary adjustments.

3. Review Beneficiary Designations:

In addition to reviewing your will and other estate planning documents, it's essential to also review beneficiary designations on accounts such as retirement plans, life insurance policies, and bank accounts. These designations take precedence over what is stated in your will, so it's crucial to ensure that they are up-to-date. Summer provides a great opportunity to review these designations and make any necessary changes to ensure that your assets are passed on according to your wishes.

4. Consult with Professionals:

While reviewing your estate plan on your own is a good start, consulting with professionals such as an estate planning attorney or financial advisor is always beneficial. These experts can guide on complex issues such as tax implications, asset protection, and charitable giving strategies. They can also help ensure that all legal requirements are met and your documents are properly executed. Summer is a great time to schedule appointments with these professionals and get their input on how best to update and optimize your estate plan.

5. Stay Organized:

Finally, staying organized throughout the estate planning process is key to ensuring that everything runs smoothly when the time comes for asset distribution. Make sure all important documents are stored in a secure location where they can be easily accessed by trusted individuals when needed. Consider creating a digital record of important information as well for added security. By staying organized and keeping all relevant parties informed about the details of your estate plan, you can help minimize stress and confusion during what can already be a difficult time for loved ones.

Cape Coral Estate Planning Attorneys

As you consider the future and the legacy you wish to leave, remember that estate planning is a dynamic process that requires regular attention. If you reside in Cape Coral, FL, and are seeking assistance with updating your estate plan, Lusk, Drasites & Tolisano is here to help. Our experienced attorneys understand the nuances of estate planning and can guide you through the process of ensuring your documents reflect your current wishes. We invite you to contact us at (239) 908-4930 to discuss how we can assist you in securing your legacy. Let this summer be the season you take the important step of reviewing and refreshing your estate plan with the help of our dedicated team.
